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Sally's Balloon Dance

Sally dancing with a latex balloon. For Matthew250.

A Bit Lifted

A bodyinflation/lighter than air commission (I think this was a commission...) from OffloadedDeviant.

Black Patent

Posted on DeviantArt no later than 2007.

Riding Domme 2

Published on Tumblr no later than 2013.

Magic Boots (20)

Likely posted on Y!Groups, but I'm unsure when.

Moleskine 2-20 Jessica BE

Sept 2013.

Moleskine 2-39 Witch's Advance

Oct 2013.

Lurad Catsuited

GoldLinaric's Lurad, pulled into an enchanted catsuit.

Magic Wardrobe 18

DeviantArt no later than 2008.

Moleskine 2-58 Pussy Willow

Oct 2013.

Moleskine 2-14 desserD teG

Zatanna causes Selena Kyle's Catwoman suit to dress her as quickly as possible.

Invisible Girlfriend 3

Currently wife and smart ass you hear in the background when I stream. :D

Moleskine 1-39 Assume the Position

March 2012.

Magic Boots (10)

Likely posted on Y!Groups, but I'm unsure when.

Magic Boots (34)

Likely posted on Y!Groups, but I'm unsure when.

Naughty Magic Gloves 3

Posted to Tumblr around 2013 or later.