Man-Eating God Eater Outfit

Alisa's outfit from God Eater dresses up a hapless guy. For Tigerzet.

Eau D'Erica

Anonymous-69's shapeshifter character transforming into bathwater.
You can find his stuff on deviantArt and!

Fire Emblem Oboro

Oboro gets an enchanted boost. For ChaosEcho.


A girl's enchanted footwear forces her to dance. Despite her surprise, she can't resist the control of these magical shoes. A request by Darkside007, who is a big source of my body control content :D

Yoko's Balloon Ride

Gurren Lagann's Yoko Littner laying on an inflating balloon for Matthew250

Tickling Leather

Tickling Leather gloves for Darkside007.

Mysterial Studies

OmegaSyntaX's sorceress Mysterial studies some ancient texts.

A Bit Lifted

A bodyinflation/lighter than air commission (I think this was a commission...) from OffloadedDeviant.

Medusa's Momentum

A rare 4-panel request outside of my usual subject matter for Azel98. Sometimes if people ask real nice, and I otherwise like the character or find the content interesting, I will challenge myself. This was really more just a bit of fun than anything else. 

Empowered Style

This one was thought up by Treforce, who envisioned a troup of lovely ladies' clothes from inside a boutique selecting an unwitting human from the street to model them.


This was inspired by some kind of catalog image of an intensely attractive woman in a golden one-piece. I added the really hot background and lighting effects to, like, add to the metaphor.
You get it? She's hot?