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Invisible Escort

Posted to DeviantArt in 2007.

Cursed Shoes Make Moves

Drawn for Darkside007, in a series of things for him involving sneaky sneakers.

Big Black Boots

Posted on DeviantArt under Irishjoe23 no later than 2008.

Liquid Bodysuit

Posted to DeviantArt no later than 2008.

Forest Sprite

Posted to DeviantArt in 2007.

Leather Strut 1


Magic Wardrobe 6

DeviantArt no later than 2008.

Magic Boots (37)

Likely posted on Y!Groups, but I'm unsure when.

Haunted Boxers

Posted to DeviantArt in 2007.

Dahlia's Dynamic Tension

In a request from Matthew250, Dahlia from Xenoblade riding a balloon while inflating another.

Moleskine 1-14 Willow Spanked

March 2012.
I know this is seven years ago now, but it's crazy how rough all this stuff looks to me.

Magic Boots (31)

Likely posted on Y!Groups, but I'm unsure when.

Magic Boots (6)

Likely posted on Y!Groups, but I'm unsure when.

Moleskine 2-26 Suited

Sept 2013.

Special #1 - Latex and Belts

Combining latex, sorcery, telekinesis, tranformation, inflation, domination, and magical bondage!
Too many notes, my dear Mozart? I don't remember the reaction I got from this one, because it came out when my Patreon was new.

Moleskine 1-76 Restrained

March 2012. Working with depth.