Digital Media

It all started with my little Wacom Bamboo. Once upon a time, I spent $60 on this tiny little tablet and had a taste of drawing on a slate that translated to my screen. Once I started I was hooked, and I began the long hard for a into trying to create the things I saw in my head. It wasn't easy to start — and just like playing guitar I gave up many times before I really started to get anywhere — but eventually, two years later, I sold my first our commission. Then another. And another!

Inflation Spell Oops

September 2015.
Inspired by AWittyName on DeviantArt.

The Darkest Capture

A dark fairy ensnares a guy with latex magic. For Tigerzet

Blown-Up Beach Babe Widowmaker

Overwatch's Widowmaker inflates to capacity while at the beach. For OffloadedDeviant.

Empowered Style

This one was thought up by Treforce, who envisioned a troup of lovely ladies' clothes from inside a boutique selecting an unwitting human from the street to model them.

Worship Me

Gift art for a dA user who followed me. She did a few domme glamour sets, and I drew this for her.
Like my account, her account's long gone, else I'd link it.

A Bit Lifted

A bodyinflation/lighter than air commission (I think this was a commission...) from OffloadedDeviant.

Amy Rose's Ride

Sonic's Amy Rose topless riding latex balloons in a request for Cyan60

Man-Eating God Eater Outfit

Alisa's outfit from God Eater dresses up a hapless guy. For Tigerzet.

Sock Selfie


Terra BE

Terra breast expansion for ChaosEcho